On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Franzi Edo. <edo.fra...@ukos.ch> wrote:
> As for the version 4.9.0, on OSX stil remain a problem.
> I cannot build an ARM a cross compiler!
> Here is the message (same as for the 4.9.0)
> ...
> .../Packages/gcc-4.9.1/gcc/config/arm/neon.md:3486:10917: fatal error:
>       bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of 256
> .../Packages/gcc-4.9.1/gcc/config/arm/neon.md:3486:10917: note: use
>       -fbracket-depth=N to increase maximum nesting level
> 32 warnings and 1 error generated.
> make[1]: *** [insn-attrtab.o] Error 1

You did not include enough context to be sure, but I don't think that
error message is coming from GCC.  At least, I don't see that error
message in the GCC sources.

I think that error message is coming from the host compiler you are
using, in which case, based on the error message, the solution would
seem to be
    make CFLAGS="-g -O2 -fbracket-depth=512"


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