On 08/07/2014 14:50, Roman Gareev wrote:
You may want to take a look at polly commit r212186, where I reworked
and documented how this works.

It is much easier for understanding. Thank you! I've tried to consider
an older version.

Is this necessary? The id should already be set in

static isl_id *
isl_id_for_pbb (scop_p s, poly_bb_p pbb)
  char name[50];
  snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "S_%d", pbb_index (pbb));
  return isl_id_alloc (s->ctx, name, pbb);


Thank you! I haven't known about this function. Should its declaration
be moved to graphite-sese-to-poly.h or it is better to redefine it in
the graphite-isl-ast-to-gimple.c?

No, nothing of the both. To my understanding the isl_ids you get should already contain a user pointer to a pbb, which is created at the time isl_id_for_pbb is called in sese-to-polly. You should be able to just retrieve it. If that does not work, we should figure out why.


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