Hi Community,

All GCC GSoC students have successfully passed mid-term evaluations, and are 
continuing to work on their projects.  Congratulations to all the students!

Furthermore, Linaro has generously provided sponsorship to pay for 1 GCC GSoC 
student to travel to GNU Tools Cauldron this year.  By the results of mid-term 
evaluations and mentor comments -- Prathamesh Kulkarni was selected.  As 
always, thank you to Google for hosting the Cauldron and to Diego for procuring 
an extra registration spot.

Our plan is to continue bringing top 1-3 GSoC students to GCC conferences each 
year.  Hopefully, we will get more sponsorship slots from companies doing GCC 
development next year.  We also plan to earmark funds that GCC project will 
receive for mentoring the students ($500 per student) towards sponsoring one of 
the next year's students.

Thank you, and will see at the Cauldron!

Maxim Kuvyrkov

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