On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Bin.Cheng <amker.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran into PR60947, in which GCC understands the return value of
> memset is the first argument passed in, according to standard, then
> does optimization like below:
>     mov    ip, sp
>     stmfd    sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp, ip, lr, pc}
>     sub    fp, ip, #4
>     sub    sp, sp, #20
>     ldr    r8, [r0, #112]
>     add    r3, r8, #232
>     add    r4, r8, #328
> .L1064:
>     mov    r0, r3
>     mov    r1, #255
>     mov    r2, #8
>     bl    memset
>     add    r3, r0, #32   <----X
>     cmp    r3, r4
>     bne    .L1064
> For X insn, GCC takes advantage of standard by using the returned r0 directly.
> My question is, is it always safe for GCC to do such optimization?  Do

Yes, I think so.

> we have an option to disable such standard dependent optimization?

-fno-builtin / -ffreestanding, but for memset/memcpy/memove that are also
generated by GCC that won't help.

> BTW, the sample should be further optimized into below (with Y redundant now):
>     mov    ip, sp
>     stmfd    sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, fp, ip, lr, pc}
>     sub    fp, ip, #4
>     sub    sp, sp, #20
>     ldr    r8, [r0, #112]
>     add    r0, r8, #232
>     add    r4, r8, #328
> .L1064:
>     mov    r0, r0       <------Y
>     mov    r1, #255
>     mov    r2, #8
>     bl    memset
>     add    r0, r0, #32
>     cmp    r0, r4
>     bne    .L1064

Probably because the feature was not integrated into the register allocator
(telling it that r3 can be materialized from r0) but in some other way.


> Thanks,
> bin

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