Hi Tobias,

> This file is empty. It seems to be the perfect place for gloog_isl,
> maybe give it a more descriptive name. E.g.,
> graphite_regenerate_ast_isl()
> We could then rename gloog, to graphite_regenerate_ast_cloog().
> gloog comes from graphite + cloog and does not make sense in the context
> of isl.

Would it be better to rename gloog in a separate patch (because it
could cause renaming of gloog_error, for eaxmple, and increase the
size of the patch)?

I tried to incorporate all your comments in the following patch. I
also attach the change log to this message.

                                   Cheers, Roman Gareev

Attachment: patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ChangeLog_entry
Description: Binary data

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