Hi Tobias,

thank you for your advice!

> On the other side, I think it is a good idea to simultaneously keep track of
> the design you have in mind and the first steps you are planning to take.
> Even though the full design may still need some time,
> some basic decisions can probably already be taken and maybe even
> implemented. Staying in some way close to the coding you will do,
> may be helpful to direct your code inspections to areas of code that
> will be important for your implementation.
> E.g. just setting up a second code generation in parallel that does
> minimal work (generates no code at all), but that can be enabled by a
> command line flag might be a first start.

I agree with this. I'll start setting up a second code generation as
soon as I achieve success with separate ISL AST generation.

P.S.: It's still not writable. I've asked about this issue.


Cheers, Roman Gareev

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