I want to change the file in which GCC-4.9.0 writes back the function
dump on unloading.
With every cgraph node (node) there is an associated member of type
"lto_file_decl_data", i.e. "node->lto_file_data" . I am trying to change
the "file_name" associated with this member. I am doing this in the file
file_data = node->lto_file_data;
file_data->file_name = myfilename;
The code compiled successfully but on using the executable through a
dynamic plugin, I am getting the following error:
fatal error: bytecode stream generated with LTO version 0.0 instead of
the expected 3.0
How can I change the required file_name.
Thanking you in advance,
Sameer Kumar Agrawal
IIT Bombay