On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 6:59 PM, lin zuojian <manjian2...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi, > I read LLVM code for a while,and a question raise:Whose scheduler is > better? > LLVM brings in the DAG,and make it look important just like IR or > MachineInst.But is that necessary?I don't see what kind of problem > it tries to solve. > From the pipeline of the compiler, LLVM can not do sched2.Is that > suck?
I clearly can't speak for GCC developers, but as an LLVM developer I have to say, this seems like a (somewhat rudely phrased) question for the LLVM mailing lists where there are people more familiar with the LLVM internals. Happy to reply in more depth there (or here if folks are actually interested).