On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Steve Ellcey <sell...@mips.com> wrote:
> I have a question about the partial pre (-ftree-partial-pre) optimization
> that was added in GCC 4.8.  I have noticed that this optimization is slowing
> down the bitmnp01 benchmark in the EEMBC1.1 suite on MIPS.  I see this with
> the 4.8 GCC and with ToT GCC.  Comparing "-O3 -fno-tree-partial-pre" vs.
> just "-O3" on the Tot GCC with MIPS, I see almost a 50% slowdown in the
> benchmark due to the partial pre optimization.

Note that partial PRE wasn't added in 4.8 but much earlier.  But 4.8 got an
option to disable it - which means you have a workaround at your hands now.


> I was wondering if anyone else has seen a slowdown like this on other
> platforms or in other benchmarks.  I haven't submitted a bugzilla report
> because I don't have a test case that I can include (EEMBC is licensed).
> Steve Ellcey
> sell...@mips.com

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