On Oct 29, 2013, at 05:41, Richard Biener <richard.guent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For reference those
> (http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html) look like
>  if (__builtin_umul_overflow(x, y, &result))
>    return kErrorCodeHackers;
> which should be reasonably easy to support in GCC (if you factor out
> generating best code and just aim at compatibility).  Code-generation
> will be somewhat pessimized by providing the multiplication result
> via memory, but that's an implementation detail.

I've done the overflow checking in Gigi (Ada front end). Benchmarking
real world large Ada programs (where every integer operation is checked,
including array index computations etc.), I found the performance cost 
*very* small (less than 1% on typical code, never more than 2%). There
is a bit more cost in code size, but that is mostly due to the fact that
we want to generate error messages with correct line number information
without relying on backtraces.

The rest of the run time checks in Ada (especially index checks and range
checks) were far more costly (more on the order of 10-15%, but very
variable depending on code style).

A few things helped to make the cost small: the biggest one is that
typically on of the operands is known to be negative or positive.
Gigi will use Ada type information, and Natural or Positive integer
variables are very common.  So, if you compute X + C with C positive, 
you can write the conditional expression as:
(if X < Integer'Last - C then X + C else raise Constraint_Error)

On my x86-64 this generates something like:
00      cmpl    $0x7fffffff,%edi
06      je      0x0000000c
08      leal    0x01(%rdi),%eax
0b      ret
0c      leaq    0x0000000d(%rip),%rdi
13      pushq   %rax
14      movl    $0x00000003,%esi
19      xorl    %eax,%eax
1b      callq   ___gnat_rcheck_CE_Overflow_Check

While this may look like a lot, these operations are expanded
inline, and only the first three are on the normal execution
path. As the exception raise is a No_Return subprogram, it will
be moved to the end of the file. The jumps will both statically
and dynamically be treated as not-taken, and have very little cost.

Additionally, the comparison is visible for the optimizers, in
effect giving more value range information which can be used
for optimizing away further checks. The drawback of using any
"special" new operations is that we loose that aspect.

For the less common case in which neither operand has a known
sign, widening to 64-bits is the straightforward solution. For Ada,
we have a mode where we do this kind of widening for entire
expressions, so we only have to check on the final assignment.
The semantics here are that you'd get the mathematically correct
result, even if there was an intermediate overflow. The drawback
of this approach is that an overflow check may not fail, but
that suppressing the checks removes the widening and causes
wrong answers.


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