Dear All, I am delighted to announce MELT 1.0.1 plugin for GCC 4.7 & 4.8 ( a bug-fixing release w.r.t MELT 1.0)
Please download it from It is a bzip2-ed tar source file of md5sum c7c3dbf3edd4e5747ddcf4a30dad41c4 and of 3754405 bytes (3.6 Megabytes) extracted from MELT branch svn revision 204522. MELT is a Lispy like domain specific language to extend GCC implemented as a GPLv3 plugin for GCC. See for more. This 1.0.1 release provide just a bug fix with respect to MELT 1.0 announced on october 29th 2013 on A probable bug in GCC 4.7 gengtype which does not appear when compiling MELT 1.0 for GCC 4.8 mixed with a corrected bug from MELT 1.0 plugin made necessary this bug-fixing MELT 1.0.1 release which does not bring any new features w.r.t to MELT 1.0 but just circumvent the gengtype from GCC 4.7 deficiency. So you need to upgrade MELT if you have GCC 4.7 (since MELT 1.0 was not easily installable with GCC 4.7), and you probably want to upgrade MELT if you have GCC 4.8; you also need to install unifdef from or from your distribution. ################################################################ NEWS for 1.0.1 MELT plugin for GCC 4.7 & 4.8 [and future 4.9?] [[november 7th, 2013]] This is just a bug-fix release for MELT-SFT-6 (see for more); it adds a workaround for GCC 4.7 gengtype inability to process operator conversion. The unifdef utility is now required to build the MELT plugin. ################################################################ Regards. -- Basile STARYNKEVITCH email: basile<at>starynkevitch<dot>net mobile: +33 6 8501 2359 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France *** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***