On 07/29/2013 02:06 PM, FX wrote:
> +build of a native compiler on @samp{x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu}, beware of
> +either:
> +
> +@itemize @bullet
> +@item having 32-bit libc developer package properly installed (the exact
> +name of the package depends on your distro); otherwise, you may encounter an
> +error such as @samp{fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file}
> +@item building GCC as a 64-bit only compiler, by configuring with the
> +option @option{--disable-multilib}
> +@end itemize

Looks good.

This should be

"Make sure you either have the 32-bit libc developer package properly
installed (the exact name of the package depends on your distro) or
you must build GCC as a 64-bit-only compiler by configuring with the
--disable-multilib option.  Otherwise, you may encounter an
error such as @samp{fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file}

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