On 07/24/2013 11:51 PM, David Starner wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Andrew Haley <a...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Not at all: we're just disagreeing about what a real system with
>> a real workload looks like.
> No, we aren't. We're disagreeing about whether it's acceptable to
> enable a feature by default that breaks the compiler build half way
> through with an obscure error message.

No we aren't.  I want that error message fixed too.  A configure-
time warning would be good.

> Real systems need features that aren't enabled by default sometimes.

I *totally* agree.

>> It's a stupid thing to say anyway, because who is to say their
>> system is more real than mine or yours?
> By that logic, you've already said that any system needing GNAT is
> less real then others, because it's not enabled by default.

Absolutely not: you're the one making claims about "real systems and
real workloads".  I made no such claims.


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