On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Hendrik Greving
<hendrik.greving.in...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Hendrik Greving
> <hendrik.greving.in...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If I set use_gcc_stdint=wrap, does tm.h suppose to include
>> config/glibc-stdint.h?
>> Please reply to the mailing list, not just to me.  Thanks.
>> If you are using glibc, you shoud add glibc-stdint.h to tm_file in
>> gcc/config.gcc; see many existing examples.  If you aren't using
>> glibc, you may still want to do that, but you should make sure it is
>> correct for your target.  Or you may need to define the same macros
>> that glibc-stdint.h defines, only with the values appropriate for your
>> target.
> I am copy'ing the email I accidently sent to Ian privately, so the
> answer will get  properly archived in the mailing list.
> May I ask 2 follow-ups:
> 1. The new compiler doesn't seem to find /usr/include/stdint.h when
> compiling a sample test-case. The old one (old GCC version that had
> same target) did. I supposed this is related. Is this expected?

Sorry, I don't know what is going on there.

> 2. It is still a little unclear what use_gcc_stdint is for. I
> understand that GCC apparently need some stdint definitions. That's
> why I (can-) include glibc-stdint.h in tm.h by adding it in
> config.gcc. What role plays use_gcc_stdint then?

use_gcc_stdint in gcc/config.gcc indicates whether GCC should wrap an
existing system version of <stdint.h> or whether it should provide its
own <stdint.h> and ignore the existing one.  Both choices are
available, and the right choice depends on whether you have a
<stdint.h> (sounds like you do) and whether it provides anything
beyond the standard types.


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