> -----Original Message-----
> From: gcc-ow...@gcc.gnu.org [mailto:gcc-ow...@gcc.gnu.org] On Behalf Of Paulo
> Matos
> Sent: 27 June 2013 15:02
> To: gcc@gcc.gnu.org
> Subject: RE: Infinite recursion due to builtin pattern detection
> Let me add that one of the replies to this last issue would be that GCC
> detects the infinite recursive call and removes everything else afterwards to
> the test involving internal_main disappears but that's not the case. The test
> is removed in vrp1 and the memset pattern is only replaced by a call to the
> builtin in ldist.
> Paulo Matos

Chris Groessler just pointed out to me in private that I missed the fact that n 
is unsigned so it'll wrap.
That explains why GCC removes the condition but the main issue of the memset 
recursion still stands.

Paulo Matos

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