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Would someone on the developers' team please comment on this problem:


In a nutshell, loading a GnuTLS DLL by a MinGW compiled Emacs causes
libintl DLL to be loaded, and if that libintl DLL in turns loads
libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll, the program crashes inside libgcc on exit, when
the runtime unloads all the DLLs loaded by Emacs.  A related
discussion on the MinGW mailing list


Suggests that this is a general problem with DLLs linked against a
shared libgcc that uses dw2 unwinding.

Is there a bug in libgcc's dw2 unwinding code?  Is it a fundamental
mistake to build DLLs that depend on libgcc as a shared library?  Or
are the applications using libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll buggy and need to get
their act together in some way (if so, how)?  Or anything else?

Thanks in advance.

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