On the _/contribute/.html_//page (,
the link to the script that should help check conformance with GNU
coding style is broken (the root "trunk" is unknown, etc.)
Note also that the section "Legal Prerequisites" comes before "Coding
Standards." Likely to be understood as a reflection of the
organization's priorities, some potential contributors (myself included)
might consider this to be a bit problematic.
More on that note: the first paragraph reads: "We strongly encourage
individuals as well as organizations to contribute...," yet it does not
say /why/ the GCC encourages that, or what the overall benefits (to
society, the contributing individual, etc.) would be. In my humble
opinion, the mission should never go out of sight, and nothing should be
taken for granted...
Last but not least: in that first sentence, there should be /_no comma/_
after GCC. And there should probably /_be_/ a comma before "as well
as," although that would be a matter of a judgment call, rather than a
strict grammatical rule.
Thank you for looking at this! I look forward to your response.
Sincerely yours,
Zvi Gilboa