On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 11:18 -0500, Bill Schmidt wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 15:51 +0100, Sofiane Naci wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Consider the following sequence, which computes 2 addresses to access an
> > array:
> > 
> >   _2 = (long unsigned int) i_1(D);
> >   _3 = _2 * 200;
> >   _4 = _3 + 1000;
> >   _6 = A2_5(D) + _4;
> >   *_6[0] = 1;
> >   _9 = _3 + 2000;
> >   _10 = A2_5(D) + _9;
> >   _11 = _2 * 4;
> >   _13 = A1_12(D) + _11;
> >   _14 = *_13;
> >   *_10[0] = _14;
> > 
> > 
> > There is an opportunity for optimization here that the compiler misses,
> > probably due to the order of Gimple statements. If we rewrite
> > 
> >   _3 = _2 * 200;
> >   _4 = _3 + 1000;
> >   _6 = A2_5(D) + _4;
> >   ...
> >   _9 = _3 + 2000;
> >   _10 = A2_5(D) + _9;
> > 
> > as
> > 
> >   _3 = _2 * 200;
> >   _4 = _3 + A2_5(D);
> >   _6 = 1000 + _4;
> >   ...
> >   _9 = _3 + A2_5(D);
> >   _10 = 1000 + _9;
> > 
> > We can clearly omit instruction _9.
> > 
> > As the widening multiply pass has been improved to consider constant
> > operands [1], this opportunity for optimization is lost as the widening
> > multiply pass converts the sequence into:
> > 
> >   _3 = i_1(D) w* 200;
> >   _4 = WIDEN_MULT_PLUS_EXPR <i_1(D), 200, 1000>;
> >   _6 = A2_5(D) + _4;
> >   ...
> >   _9 = WIDEN_MULT_PLUS_EXPR <i_1(D), 200, 2000>;
> >   _10 = A2_5(D) + _9;
> > 
> > 
> > With this particular example, this causes a Dhrystone regression at the
> > AArch64 back end.
> > 
> > Where in the front end could such an optimization take place? 
> > 
> > Bill, is this something that your Strength Reduction work [2] could be
> > addressing?
> Hm, no, this isn't really a strength reduction issue.  You're not
> wanting to remove an unwanted multiply.  This is more of a
> reassociation/value numbering concern.  Essentially you have:
>   = A2 + ((i * 200) + 1000)
>   = A2 + ((i * 200) + 2000)
> which you'd like to reassociate into
>   = (A2 + (i * 200)) + 1000
>   = (A2 + (i * 200)) + 2000
> so the parenthesized expression can be seen as available by value
> numbering:
>   T = A2 + (i * 200)
>     = T + 1000
>     = T + 2000
> But reassociation just looks at a single expression tree and doesn't
> know about the potential optimization.  I'm not sure this fits well into
> any of the existing passes, but others will have more authoritative
> answers than me...

All this said, it's not completely foreign to how the strength reduction
pass is structured.  The problem is that strength reduction looks for
candidates of very restricted patterns, which keeps compile time down
and avoids deep searching:  (a * x) + b or a * (x + b).  Your particular
case adds only one more addend, but the number of ways that can be
reassociated immediately adds a fair amount of complexity.  If your
example is extended to a two-dimensional array case, it becomes more
complex still.  So the methods used by strength reduction don't scale
well to these more general problems.

I imagine the existing canonical form for address calculations is good
for some things, but not for others.  Hopefully someone with more
history in that area can suggest something.

> Bill
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Sofiane
> > 
> > -----
> > 
> > [1] http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2011-07/msg01751.html
> > [2]
> > http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/cauldron2012?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wschmid
> > t.pdf
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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