Test on x86_64-w64-mingw32, only tfprintf.exe, tprintf.exe, tsprintf.exe, and tstrtofr.exe FAILED, the other tests passed.
===================== 4 of 160 tests failed (1 test was not run) ===================== [tversion] GMP: header 5.1.1, library 5.1.1 [tversion] MPFR tuning parameters from default PASS: tversion.exe PASS: tinternals.exe PASS: tinits.exe PASS: tisqrt.exe PASS: tsgn.exe PASS: tcheck.exe PASS: tisnan.exe PASS: texceptions.exe PASS: tset_exp.exe PASS: tset.exe PASS: mpf_compat.exe PASS: mpfr_compat.exe PASS: reuse.exe PASS: tabs.exe PASS: tacos.exe PASS: tacosh.exe PASS: tadd.exe PASS: tadd1sp.exe PASS: tadd_d.exe PASS: tadd_ui.exe PASS: tagm.exe PASS: tai.exe PASS: tasin.exe PASS: tasinh.exe PASS: tatan.exe PASS: tatanh.exe PASS: taway.exe PASS: tbuildopt.exe PASS: tcan_round.exe PASS: tcbrt.exe PASS: tcmp.exe PASS: tcmp2.exe PASS: tcmp_d.exe PASS: tcmp_ld.exe PASS: tcmp_ui.exe PASS: tcmpabs.exe PASS: tcomparisons.exe PASS: tconst_catalan.exe PASS: tconst_euler.exe PASS: tconst_log2.exe PASS: tconst_pi.exe PASS: tcopysign.exe PASS: tcos.exe PASS: tcosh.exe PASS: tcot.exe PASS: tcoth.exe PASS: tcsc.exe PASS: tcsch.exe PASS: td_div.exe PASS: td_sub.exe PASS: tdigamma.exe PASS: tdim.exe PASS: tdiv.exe PASS: tdiv_d.exe PASS: tdiv_ui.exe PASS: teint.exe PASS: teq.exe PASS: terf.exe PASS: texp.exe PASS: texp10.exe PASS: texp2.exe PASS: texpm1.exe PASS: tfactorial.exe PASS: tfits.exe PASS: tfma.exe PASS: tfmod.exe PASS: tfms.exe fixme:msvcrt:pf_printf_a multibyte characters printing not supported Error in test 8, got '% a. 15, b. -1, c. td' Error in test #8: mpfr_vfprintf printed 21 characters instead of 20 FAIL: tfprintf.exe PASS: tfrac.exe PASS: tfrexp.exe PASS: tgamma.exe PASS: tget_flt.exe PASS: tget_d.exe PASS: tget_d_2exp.exe PASS: tget_f.exe PASS: tget_ld_2exp.exe SKIP: tget_set_d64.exe PASS: tget_sj.exe PASS: tget_str.exe PASS: tget_z.exe PASS: tgmpop.exe PASS: tgrandom.exe PASS: thyperbolic.exe PASS: thypot.exe PASS: tinp_str.exe PASS: tj0.exe PASS: tj1.exe PASS: tjn.exe PASS: tl2b.exe PASS: tlgamma.exe PASS: tli2.exe PASS: tlngamma.exe PASS: tlog.exe PASS: tlog10.exe PASS: tlog1p.exe PASS: tlog2.exe PASS: tmin_prec.exe PASS: tminmax.exe PASS: tmodf.exe PASS: tmul.exe PASS: tmul_2exp.exe PASS: tmul_d.exe PASS: tmul_ui.exe PASS: tnext.exe PASS: tout_str.exe PASS: toutimpl.exe PASS: tpow.exe PASS: tpow3.exe PASS: tpow_all.exe PASS: tpow_z.exe fixme:msvcrt:pf_printf_a multibyte characters printing not supported Error in test 8, got '% a. 15, b. -1, c. td' Error in test #8: mpfr_printf printed 21 characters instead of 20 FAIL: tprintf.exe PASS: trandom.exe PASS: trec_sqrt.exe PASS: tremquo.exe PASS: trint.exe PASS: troot.exe PASS: tround_prec.exe PASS: tsec.exe PASS: tsech.exe PASS: tset_d.exe PASS: tset_f.exe PASS: tset_ld.exe PASS: tset_q.exe PASS: tset_si.exe PASS: tset_sj.exe PASS: tset_str.exe PASS: tset_z.exe PASS: tset_z_exp.exe PASS: tsi_op.exe PASS: tsin.exe PASS: tsin_cos.exe PASS: tsinh.exe PASS: tsinh_cosh.exe Error in mpfr_vsprintf (s, "%.*Zi, %R*e, %Lf", ...); expected: "00000010610209857723, -1.2345678875e+07, 0.032258" got: "00000010610209857723, -1.2345678875e+07, 0.000000" FAIL: tsprintf.exe PASS: tsqr.exe PASS: tsqrt.exe PASS: tsqrt_ui.exe PASS: tstckintc.exe PASS: tstdint.exe Check overflow failed (3) with: s= x=0.10111100011000010100111011100110011001100110011001101E24 FAIL: tstrtofr.exe PASS: tsub.exe PASS: tsub1sp.exe PASS: tsub_d.exe PASS: tsub_ui.exe PASS: tsubnormal.exe PASS: tsum.exe PASS: tswap.exe PASS: ttan.exe PASS: ttanh.exe PASS: ttrunc.exe PASS: tui_div.exe PASS: tui_pow.exe PASS: tui_sub.exe PASS: turandom.exe PASS: tvalist.exe PASS: ty0.exe PASS: ty1.exe PASS: tyn.exe PASS: tzeta.exe PASS: tzeta_ui.exe [tversion] GMP: header 5.1.1, library 5.1.1 [tversion] MPFR tuning parameters from default PASS: tversion.exe On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 12:09 AM, Vincent Lefevre <vincent+...@vinc17.org> wrote: > The release of GNU MPFR 3.1.2 ("canard à l'orange" patch level 2) > is imminent. Please help to make this release as good as possible > by downloading and testing this release candidate: > > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.xz > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.bz2 > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.gz > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.zip > > The MD5's: > 3a95e02c8dc2897638eb998da837e63a mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.bz2 > a273dd7752039b8753e09afdd9f0506b mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.gz > d8019782b2d3007c60fd292856a59104 mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.xz > abb2a2fde5109219ab1bef2d55cb5742 mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.zip > > The SHA1's: > 38b1cd6f6ab0190d4b991d4bc8888db24d112c9f mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.bz2 > 9a64b70a3d55c7f8a7faf81cf8f1ad74453dab3b mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.gz > 36d0de647a00527f88c762363e449fcfc6be1375 mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.xz > fc1b9df7a3779c115d1b4eb1aff5cc0f42b5307a mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.zip > > The signatures: > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.xz.asc > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.bz2.asc > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.tar.gz.asc > http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.2/mpfr-3.1.2-rc1.zip.asc > > Each tarball is signed by Vincent Lefèvre. This can be verified > using the DSA key ID 98C3739D; this key can be retrieved with: > > gpg --recv-keys 98C3739D > > or by downloading it from <https://www.vinc17.net/pgp.html>. > The key fingerprint is: > > 07F3 DBBE CC1A 3960 5078 094D 980C 1976 98C3 739D > > The signatures can be verified with: gpg --verify <file.asc> > You should check that the key fingerprint matches. > > Changes from version 3.1.1 to version 3.1.2: > - Bug fixes (see <http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.1/#fixed> or ChangeLog file). > - Updated examples to the MPFR 3.x API. > > Note: The official tarballs for MPFR up to 3.1.1 were affected by a > vulnerability for "make distcheck" due to a bug in old GNU Automake > versions: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-3386 > One of the purposes of this release is to provide tarballs without > this vulnerability. > > Please send success and failure reports with "./config.guess" output > to <m...@inria.fr>. > > If no problems are found, GNU MPFR 3.1.2 should be released > around 2013-03-13. > > Regards, > > -- > Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.net/> > 100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.net/blog/> > Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)