>> "However, if you overlay one variable with another smaller variable,
>> that portion of the initial variable is retained that is not overlaid.
>> Depending on the application, the retained portion of an overlaid variable
>> may or may not contain meaningful data and can be utilized at a later
>> point in the program."
> Ouch.
> This seems to be at odds with C's unions, where it is not allowed to do
> type punning.

As of gcc 4.4.6, the description above seems to match the C behavior:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {

  union {
    uint32_t test32int;
    uint16_t test16int;
  } testunion;

  testunion.test32int = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  printf("Before assignment: %0x\n", testunion.test32int);
  testunion.test16int = 0x0000;
  printf("After assignment: %0x\n", testunion.test32int);


Produces the following:

Before assignment: ffffffff
After assignment: ffff0000

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