Jerome Huck
Good afternoon. There seems to be some versions of GCC for ANDROID C/C++/Pascal working or even Fortran, see the attached links. Can we hope one day to have some official release? I make some scientific code and GCC is fun because we have performances and do not need to rewrite codes when wriiten in Fortran, C... see the results at the end of this email. Best regards. Jerome Huck. links : reliable Fortran on android ??? Here are some results from a simple/small CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) code : 2686 ms NEXUS 7 JAVA AIDE 1618 ms NEXUS 7 JAVA AIDE Dexer optimizations 1563 ms NEXUS 7 Eclipse Java 150 ms for JAVA JDK 7U10 WINDOWS X-64 on a WINDOWS 7 PC I3 2,1GHz 78 ms GNU GCC C99 on a WINDOWS 7 PC I3 2,1GHz 62,39 ms GNU FORTRAN 6.23999983E-02 sec on a WINDOWS 7 PC I3 2,1GHz 1,02 s for Pypy 2.0 on a WINDOWS 7 PC I3 2,1GHz 6,78 s for Python 3.3 on a WINDOWS 7 PC I3 2,1GHz