On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Alec Teal <a.t...@warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
> To some up again (I've kept the quotes so it can be seen what's already been
> talked about) I propose something that is almost identical to a typedef as
> it exists now, all behaviour of this hard typedef is almost identical
> except:
> 1) the "hard" type is never implicitly 'cast' to anything else of the same
> actual type (a BookId may never become an int implicitly)

So that's like a "private" opaque alias in n3515.

> 2) the "hard" type may be used in overloading (building on the 'may not be
> implicitly cast' a call to f(someBook) will never resolve to f(int), only to
> f(BookId)

Also the same as a private opaque aias in n3515.

> Because it is to behave like a typedef the c-style cast isn't actually a
> cast at all, it is a way of telling the compiler you intend to use the
> hard-typed variable as you have written. There is no actual cast because
> it's a kind of typedef the underlying data is by definition the same. If the
> compiler didn't complain when you tried to use a BookId as an int or
> visa-versa that would defeat the purpose. the c-style cast of "int x = (int)
> some_book;" or whatever is not a cast (I'm saying the same thing again,
> sorry) it's just telling the compiler "Yes, I mean to write this"

That's a cast -- an explicit request in code for a type conversion.
The fact that it's a pure compile-time operation and a no-op at
runtime has no bearing on whether it "is a cast", just as we can
static_cast beween enumerators and integers today with no run-time
cost.  One of the purposes of casts is to tell the compiler "Yes, I
mean to write this", and it's common for casts to be purely
compile-time operations.

n3515 is also explicit that the permitted conversions have no run-time cost.

Is there anything that you propose that a "private opaque alias" from
n3515 does not provide?

-- James

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