On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Robert Dewar <de...@adacore.com> wrote:
> On 1/24/2013 10:02 AM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
>> What I am not clear about is when an operation is deemed "undefined"
>> or "implementation defined".
> The compiler is free to assume that no arithmetic operation
> on signed integers results in overflow. It is allowed to
> take advantage of such assumptions in generating code (and
> it does so).
> You have no right to assume *anything* about the semantics
> of code that has an integer overflow (let alone make
> asssumptions about the generated code).
Well, I kind of agree with you. When taking arbitrary inputs, how does
one know 'a priori'?

In this case, I claim we must perform the operation. Its the result
that we can't use under some circumstances (namely, overflow or wrap).

> This is truly undefined, not implementation defined, and
> if your program has such an overflow, you cannot assume
> ANYTHING about the generated code.
Signed integers that suffer overflow are operating in "undefined"
behavior territory. Does the C/C++ standard specify what to do in this
case? Currently, I believe GCC removes the code rather than performing
the operation or failing the compile.

Unsigned integers that wrap/carry enjoy "implementation defined"
behavior. The GCC maintainers are free to do what they want with
"implementation defined." At the moment, GCC handles wrap/carry as
expected - they perform the operation.


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