On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Uday Khedker <u...@cse.iitb.ac.in> wrote:

> I would like to take this training program to the next level but so long
> it remains my personal baby, my funding agency does not feel that I have
> accomplished much because they feel that if my program has any merit,
> the GCC community would adopt it :-(


As Diego wrote, I am not sure what your funding agency thinks adoption
would mean. Experienced GCC developers do not need to adopt your
methodology to be productive. However, software developers who attend
your workshops and classes should be able to engage the GCC community
and contribute patches.

Your centre needs to actively engage the GCC community and participate
in development. The community does not always reward documentation
activity as much as it should, but it also needs people to get
involved and participate *in* the community on a regular basis, not
work in parallel but distinct from the community.

- David

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