On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Alec Teal <a.t...@warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 23/01/13 19:16, Uday Khedker wrote:
>> On Thursday 24 January 2013 12:39 AM, Diego Novillo wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Uday Khedker <u...@cse.iitb.ac.in>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I would like to take this training program to the next level but so long
>>>> it remains my personal baby, my funding agency does not feel that I have
>>>> accomplished much because they feel that if my program has any merit,
>>>> the GCC community would adopt it :-(
>>> I would say they have it backwards.  The GCC community is the last one
>>> who'd adopt such a training program.  We already know the content!
>>> This kind of training is precisely targeted at newcomers.
>> Yes, absolutely. And GCC community should consider it important to bring
>> in newcomers particularly young students and experimenters from the
>> academia.
>> Why is it that most student projects these days are on LLVM and not on
>> GCC? Had these students been doing projects on GCC, some of them may turn
>> contributors in future.
>> Uday.
> I really have a theory here, I think (like me! I came here in the hope of
> 'fixing' GCC from what I thought it was to what it is because I, suppose I
> am loyal, I don't really like BSD, the lack of obligation to keep things
> free, anyway that'll start a dispute probably so don't worry) it's all the
> bad press, my impression was GCC is really old and archaic, not very good
> for developing new optimisations, had a crap IR and there was this newcomer
> that only made these problems known because it fixes them.
> I know now that most of them were wrong BTW!

Ah, well - the old issue that LLVM has just become a very good
marketing machinery
(and we've stayed at being a compiler - heh).


> Alec

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