On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Tom Tromey <tro...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "Gaby" == Gabriel Dos Reis <g...@integrable-solutions.net> writes:
> Richard> Just to add another case which seems to be not covered in the thread.
> Richard> When dumping from inside a gdb session in many cases I cut&paste
> Richard> addresses literally.  For overloading to work I'd need to write casts
> Richard> in front of the inferior call argument.  That sounds ugly - so at 
> least
> Richard> keep the old interfaces as well.  Or rather for debugging purposes
> Richard> provide python helpers rather than new inferior overloads.
> Gaby> this means that we need an improvement from GDB.  This
> Gaby> is not useful only to the small GCC community.  It is very useful to
> Gaby> the wider GDB/C++ user community.
> There is no way for gdb to do anything about this generically.
> Richard is talking about a situation like:
>     print overload(0xfffff)
> gdb can't know what the user meant here.
> Maybe it is possible with some application-specific knowledge, for
> example if you could tell the type of an object from its address.
> In this case it can be done by gcc, via Python scripts for gdb.
> Tom

Thanks for the clarification.

-- Gaby

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