On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:12 AM, Lawrence Crowl <cr...@googlers.com> wrote:
> Diego and I seek your comments on the following (loose) proposal.
> It is sometimes hard to remember which printing function is used
> for debugging a type, or even which type you have.
> We propose to rely on overloading to unify the interface to a small
> set of function names.  Every major data type should have associated
> debug/dump functionality.  We will unify the current *_dump/*_debug
> functions under the same common overloaded name.

Just to add another case which seems to be not covered in the thread.
When dumping from inside a gdb session in many cases I cut&paste
addresses literally.  For overloading to work I'd need to write casts
in front of the inferior call argument.  That sounds ugly - so at least
keep the old interfaces as well.  Or rather for debugging purposes
provide python helpers rather than new inferior overloads.


> We intend to only apply this approach to functions that take the
> type to display as an argument, and that are routinely used in
> debugging.
> We propose to provide several function overload sets, as below.
> dump_pretty
>     This function overload set provides the bulk of the printing.
>     They will use the existing pretty-printer functions in their
>     implementation.
> dump_raw
>     This function overload set provides the raw oriented dump,
>     e.g. a tuple.
> dump_verbose
>     This function overload set provides the extra details dump.
> All of these functions come in two forms.
>     function (FILE *, item_to_dump, formatting)
>     function (item_to_dump, formatting)
> If the FILE* is not specified, the output is to stderr.  The
> formatting argument is optional, with a default suitable to the kind
> of item to dump.
> We should remove tree-browser.c.  It is not used at all and it is
> likely broken.
> --
> Lawrence Crowl

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