On Sat, 2012-10-06 at 20:59 +0200, _ wrote:
> Now obviously you can't put stl everywhere.
> I don't see kernel and low level C or C++ libs using boost or stl. any
> time soon.
> Afterall. No reasonable library uses it either due to binary 
> incompatibilities.

It seems that your proposed fix to that is as binary incompatible as
using std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr.  What happens when you link a
library that was compiled with '*~' pointers enabled, with a library
that was compiled without those pointers, and both exchange

> C or C like templateless C++ code is still domain of most  os /
> drivers source code out there.
> Just go agead and try to ask Linus to wrap all pointers to stl
> templates ;D I think you will run for your life then.

Have you asked him for his opinion on your proposed solution?

> Not everybody agrees that wrapping every single variable to macro like
> templates and spreading simple code logic over zilion files is way to
> go. But the main problem holding stl back is it's binary and header
> incompatibilities.

Adding a non-standard compiler extension most likely will not be and
improvement for those problems.
But if you really want to try it out, you can do it by writing a custom
preprocessor that triggers on '*~' and replaces the preceding token with
std::unique_ptr< token > or std::shared_ptr< token >.


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