On Sun, 23 Sep 2012, enzovit...@libero.it wrote:

I would like to contribute to the project.


Would someone indicate some easy first project to work on? Please don't just
redirect me to the list of open projects. Not sure whether that list is still
valid, and I'd appreciate a more specific proposal anyway.

Since you asked for something specific, fixing this bug:

seems likely to be a one-liner, but you need to find out where that line is needed (note that I can be wrong). Front-end (language specific code) warnings are a domain where bugzilla contains a number of issues that shouldn't be too hard to fix.

Then you can try to investigate some middle-end bugs to get familiar with other parts of the code.

One important element is to be motivated. If you start from something you find too boring, you may give up. If you get interested say in libstdc++, you may then be motivated to fix some C++ front-end bug that affects it, or some missed optimization where you noticed you had to write twisted C++ to get gcc to generate the best asm.

Marc Glisse

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