thanks for sharing, will check this out.

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 9:05 PM, James Courtier-Dutton
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know most compilers go from AST to CFG.
> I am writing a decompiler, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any
> documents describing how best to get from CFG to AST.
> The decompiler project is open source.
> The decompiler already contains a disassembler and a virtual machine
> resulting in an annotated CFG. It uses information gained from using a
> virtual machine to annotate the CFG. Another use of the VM will be to
> help analyze self modifying code.
> The decompiler can output C source code form the CFG, but it is not
> easy to understand the result due to lack of structure such as for {}
> loops.
> I wish to create an AST from the CFG in order to be able to output for
> {}, while {}  and if...then...else structure.
> The CFG to AST step seems a little complicated, so I was looking for
> some pointers to how best to do it to save me re-inventing the wheel.
> Kind Regards
> James

James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
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