On 10 September 2012 16:54, Gabriel Dos Reis
<g...@integrable-solutions.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Aaron Gray <aaronngray.li...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> What I am looking to obtain is isolating the C++ parser with no real
>> semantic changes, just isolating the interfaces in order that the
>> parser be reusable as a library component and allow migration to other
>> solutions.
> Yes, for that, you need reduce the scope of your patch.
> Use Occam's razor.  Do not move a declaration out of cp/parser.c unless
> you have a compelling reason for it.


> "Classization" is not sufficient argument.

Its an incremental step forward.

> A good interface is likely to be reduced to the essential.
> I would suggest that you do not create any file out of cp/parser.c for the
> moment.  Just focus on identifying the interface of the parser within
> cp/parser.c.

It is actually two "generic" cross frontend functions that are linked
to and not actually declared in parser.h - 'c_parse_file()', via
cp/cp-lang.c and 'pragma_lex()', used by cp/lex.c.

But yes I agree. This comes down to 'cp_parser::translation_unit()',
afaics this is the only method that needs exposing in cp_parser.

> Do no move data types out of cp/parser.c unless there is a good reason for it.

Okay agreed.

> If an existing function does not "poke" into what should morally be
> (private)  data members of the cp_parser struct, don't make it a
> member function yet.

I made most statics. And also the next stage of making it a class and
member functions private would mean you would have to declare these
function friend functions ?

>  If a function does, then look at whether it can
> be expressed in terms of more reduced set of  observer/mutator functions;
> if that is the case, then do that.  Adding the observer/mutator function does
> not change semantics.  Isolating the interface means isolating the 
> computational
> basis.

I think this is another stage of abstraction all together.


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