On 08/11/2012 09:18 AM, Senthil Kumar Selvaraj wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 09:54:17AM -0700, Janis Johnson wrote:
>> On 08/09/2012 10:52 PM, Senthil Kumar Selvaraj wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>  What is the recommended way to skip specific (non target specific) 
>>> testcases for a  subtargets?
>>>  There are a bunch of tests in the gcc testsuite that are too big (in
>>>  terms of code size or memory) for a subtarget of the avr target. The
>>>  subtarget is specified in the dejagnu board configuration file
>>>  (set_board_info cflags "-mmcu <subtarget name>").
>>>  Using dg-skip-if with "-mmcu <subtarget name>" for the include part did
>>>  not work. Looking at the source (target-supports-dg.exp) showed that it 
>>>  doesn't consider board_info cflags. Only board_info multilib_flags, 
>>>  flags specified in dg-options, $TOOL_OPTIONS and $TEST_ALWAYS_FLAGS 
>>>  appear to be considered.
>>>  Should we set the -mmcu option to  multilib_flags instead of cflags in 
>>>  the board config? Should we use --tool_opt in RUNTESTFLAGS? How do
>>>  other targets handle this?
>>>  Regards
>>>  Senthil
>> Probably check-flags in target-supports-dg.exp should check cflags
>> in the board_info along with the other flags.  Can you try that to
>> see if it does what you need?
> Yes it does. The patch below did the job.

Please submit it, with a ChangeLog entry, to gcc-patc...@gcc.gnu.org.

> Is there a reason why cflags wasn't included before?

Because I didn't know about it.  It wasn't intentional.


> Regards
> Senthil
> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/lib/target-supports-dg.exp 
> b/gcc/testsuite/lib/target-supports-dg.exp
> index 2f6c4c2..bdf7476 100644
> --- a/gcc/testsuite/lib/target-supports-dg.exp
> +++ b/gcc/testsuite/lib/target-supports-dg.exp
> @@ -304,6 +304,9 @@ proc check-flags { args } {
>      # If running a subset of the test suite, $TEST_ALWAYS_FLAGS may not 
> exist.
>      catch {append compiler_flags " $TEST_ALWAYS_FLAGS "}
>      set dest [target_info name]
> +    if [board_info $dest exists cflags] {
> +    append compiler_flags "[board_info $dest cflags] "
> +    }
>      if [board_info $dest exists multilib_flags] {
>       append compiler_flags "[board_info $dest multilib_flags] "
>      }

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