On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Walter Landry <wlan...@caltech.edu> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I thought you might be interested in some C++ expression template
> benchmarks I have done.
>  http://www.wlandry.net/Projects/FTensor#Benchmarks
> I found that GCC optimized the expression template code better than
> unrolling expressions by hand.  In fact, GCC was far, far better at
> optimizing code with expression templates than any other compiler.  I
> ran the same benchmarks back in 2003, and GCC has improved quite a lot
> since then.

Heh, yeah - quite possibly because I myself was working with a POOMA
based CFD code during my PhD which made me start working on inproving
GCC for expression template code ;)  It is btw interesting to try to enable
profile-feedback for the compilers - for some compilers you'll see that
the profile-generating executables are so slow as to be unusable (as they
seem to keep all calls of the expression templates).


> Cheers,
> Walter Landry
> wlan...@caltech.edu

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