On 10/06/2012, Gerald Pfeifer <ger...@pfeifer.com> wrote:
> [ Adding our libstdc++ list ]
> On Fri, 13 Apr 2012, Martin von Gagern wrote:
>> While browsing http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/ using Firefox, I
>> noticed some mojibake due to the fact that the page was interpreted as
>> iso-8859-15, my default charset, while it is actually meant to be utf-8.
>> The server does not add a charset parameter to its content-type header.
>> Neither does the document contain a corresponding meta tag. The document
>> does contain an xml header, but as the document is shipped as text/html,
>> not application/xhtml+xml, I believe the browser is correct to ignore
>> that.
> I looked into this, and believe the issue we do want to tackle is
> the HTML pages generated for libstdc++.
> For example, looking at libstdc++/doc/html/manual/index.html, at the
> end of the file we have
>   <td align="center">\xc2\xa0</td><td align="right">\xc2\xa0...
>   ...The GNU C++ Library\xc2\xa0</td>
> where I believe \xc2\xa0 is Unicode non-breaking space.  Wouldn't it
> be better to issue HTML &nbsp; instead?
> Alternately, you could add
>   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
> to the <head>...</head> section of the libstdc++ pages.
> Gerald

I had a quick look at telling docbook stylesheets to add the charset,
or not output utf8, and couldn't see how to do it. Maybe Benjamin

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