On 5/16/2012 4:01 PM, Iyer, Balaji V wrote:
Hello Everyone,
        I have a question regarding the vectorizer. In the following code 

Int func (int x, int y)
        If (x==y)
                Return (x+y);
                Return (x-y);

If we force the x and y to be vectors of vectorlength 4, then will the 
if-statement get a vector of booleans or does it get 1 boolean that compares 2 
very large values? I guess another way to ask is that, will it logically break 
it up into 4 if-statements or just 1?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Balaji V. Iyer.

PS. Please CC me in response  so that I can get to it quickly.
Is this about vector extensions to C, or about other languages such as C++ or Fortran? In Fortran, it's definitely an array of logical, in the case where the compiler can't optimize it away. This would more likely be written
  return x==y ? x+y : x-y;

Tim Prince

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