On 4/19/12 4:14 PM, Andrew Pinski wrote:

How do you know it is a major effort?  Has any issues related to
changing Tuple/front-ends AST been raised to the mailing list and
asked for help on how to implement these changes?

The kind of analysis that Annotalysis needs cannot be catered by GIMPLE, the same way that LLVM's bitcode could not cater to it. Both representations are geared towards code transformations, not source code analysis. It's not an implementation issue, but a design one. It simply does not make sense for GIMPLE or LLVM's bitcode to try to be a source code analysis framework.

Annotalysis needs a high-fidelity representation of the original source code. Today, that high-fidelity representation is provided exclusively by Clang.

Additionally, we are already supporting Clang as a front end to provide syntax and semantic analysis. Given that Clang provides a much more flexible framework for static analysis, the decision was a relatively simple one.

This is not to say that Clang provides everything needed by Annotalysis. There is some need to use dataflow information which needs to be incorporated in Clang. However, a large fraction of the support required was already available in Clang.


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