On 12/04/2012 17:03, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote: > There is > little ambiguity left by -Wreally-all-of-them-damn-it :-)
Actually, no, as anyone could tell you who before they discovered version control used to have lots of files lying around called "foo.final.c", "foo.final.reallyfinal.c", "foo.final.updated.reallyfinalthistime.c", and so on; in other words, I think that after a few years have passed, we would find that we've been persuaded to add -Wreally-really-all-of-them-damn-it, -Wreally-really-all-no-actually-all-including-everything, and -Wreally-really-all-of-them-damn-it-no-i-really-did-mean-all-of-them-even-including-the-really-unexpected-ones. There's nothing more ambiguous than saying that something is final in a world where perfection is never achieved. That's why software has monotonically increasing version numbers, instead of just one that means "this is done now". cheers, DaveK