"Mark Galeck (CW)" <mgal...@brocade.com> writes: > GCC has this internal include file "included/syslimits.h". This file, uses > a non-standard C include directive "include_next" to recursively include > "limits.h" from a second location. > > I need to change this syslimits.h for our internal use, since I cannot easily > handle "include_next" in our build system (it is non-standard). I can keep > the same functionality, by adding another "system" include directory, and > instead of > > #include_next <limits.h> > > I would have > > #include <sys-include/limits.h> > > Entirely the same functionality. > > But of course, if you guys change the GCC source to remove the file > syslimits.h or change it to a different functionality, I would be left > incompatible. > > > So, is syslimits.h likely to disappear or change?
It is not likely to disappear or change--it has been the same for many years--but that is not a promise that it will never disappear or change. It's an internal header, not something exposed to user view in any way. I recommend that you simply ignore it in your build system. Ian