Le 29 mars 2012 à 22:02, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :

> Hello All,
> The pre-release candidate 1 of MELT 0.9.5 is available for testing on
> http://gcc-melt.org/melt-0.9.5rc1-plugin-for-gcc-4.6-or-4.7.tar.gz
> as a gzipped tar archive of 4473286 bytes and md5sum 
> ae00b9bd31f481e1bbc406711ca4c2f4.
> extracted from MELT branch 185969, march 29th 2012
> You could try building it e.g. with 
>  make MELTGCC=gcc-4.7 GCCMELT_CC=gcc-4.7 
> It seems to be also buildable for GCC 4.6 with
>  make MELTGCC=gcc-4.6 GCCMELT_CC=gcc-4.6
> (both commands sort of work, with perhaps minor issues very late in the build 
> process;
> I'm not very afraid of these)
> But I'm trying to code a makefile which would autodetect in GCC 4.7 was 
> compiled in C++
> mode (or if the GCC was compiled in C mode, then it is probably a 4.6 or a 4.7
> configured in a weird fashion).
> So far I tried to code in my Makefile the following trick
> ############################################################################
> ## the compiler with which melt.so is used
> ifndef MELTGCC
> MELTGCC = $(or $(CC),gcc)
> endif
> ## gives yes if MELTGCC has been built with C++ or else the empty string
> MELTGCC_BUILD_WITH_CXX = $(shell grep -q 'define +ENABLE_BUILD_WITH_CXX +1' \
>  `$(MELTGCC) -print-file-name=plugin/include/auto-host.h` && echo yes)
> ## The compiler and flags used to build the melt.so plugin and to
> ## compile MELT generated code.  Notice that melt-module.mk use the
> ## same Make variables.  For a melt plugin to GCC 4.7 or later, that
> ## could be a C++ compiler! eg
> ##   make MELTGCC=gcc-4.7 GCCMELT_CC=g++-4.7
> ## hence we add a test if $(MELTGCC) was built with C++ or with C
> ifeq ($(strip $(MELTGCC_BUILD_WITH_CXX)),)
> GCCMELT_CC ?= $(or $(CC),gcc) -Wc++-compat
> else
> GCCMELT_CC ?= $(or $(CXX),g++)
> endif
> GCCMELT_CFLAGS ?= -g -O -Wall
> $(info MELT plugin for MELTGCC= $(MELTGCC) to be compiled with GCCMELT_CC= 
> flags $(GCCMELT_CFLAGS) $(if $(MELTGCC_BUILD_WITH_CXX),built with C++ \
> ### rest of makefile skipped
> #############################################################################
> but for some reason it does not work. (Maybe a := versus = make variable 
> thing).
> Do you have any suggestions about such things?  Assuming a plugin whose 
> source code
> should work with both 4.6 & 4.7, how would you autodetect if GCC was compiled 
> in C++ or
> in C mode? What am I doing wrong?
> Regards.
> -- 
> Basile STARYNKEVITCH         http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/
> email: basile<at>starynkevitch<dot>net mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
> 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
> *** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***
> -- 
> Message from the http://groups.google.com/group/gcc-melt group.
> About GCC MELT http://gcc-melt.org/ a high level domain specific language to 
> code extensions to the Gnu Compiler Collection


You almost got it. You simply need to backslash escape the '+' operator in your 
Also, it would be welcome to allow any blank chars to separate words, not any 
the space char
(\t for example). Thus, i changed space ' ' by [[:space:]] (tested with GNU 

MELTGCC_BUILD_WITH_CXX = $(shell grep -q 
'define[[:space:]]\+ENABLE_BUILD_WITH_CXX[[:space:]]\+1' \
  `$(MELTGCC) -print-file-name=plugin/include/auto-host.h` && echo yes)

Anyway, as i already told you, you don't look for gengtype and gtype.state at 
the right place.

Romain Geissler

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