I'm sending the email again as my connection seems to be having strange issues 
and it doesn't look like it got through the first time (hope it doesn't get 

Hello everyone,

I'm thinking of applying for GSoC, and I've got three main ideas for gcc based 
around my project.
I've been working on a language and programming environment named sc: 
http://sf.net/projects/sclang - short description, http://sclang.sf.net - main 
website (there are even some outdated screencasts there).

The most beneficial task (for me) would be to just bring the front-end I've 
already written up to mainline quality (though not necessarily inclusion), and 
in the process update some of the documentation or maybe even cleanup some gcc 
Here the main "against" I'm guessing is that another front-end is a maintenance 
burden (though that of course would become my duty), and the benefits to the 
world are dubious.
Of course I can elaborate on why I think sc is valuable and not "just another 
language" no one would want to use.
As for the argument that a front-end is too much work for gsoc, in my case 
that's probably not the case as the main part atm is about 3.5k lines and it 
supports most of sc which is equivalent to most of c.
As for how far along the language is, I've recently switched to developing it 
in itself (that includes a fairly advanced source code editing widget for qt) 
and I've written some critical pieces like just-in-time compilation (using 
libjit) purely in it. So it's working to at least some extent, though I'm 
afraid it may be hard for anyone else to use atm due to the unstable state of 
the editor.

Some other ideas revolve around what I need for sc.

The first one is that I need to be able to compile one source file into 
multiple output files, currently I've hacked it with an extra argument taking a 
list of symbols to output, but it requires running gcc once per every output 
file, the overhead of that is fairly large, and it's unsafe to recompile just a 
few output files due to inlining, though since it can work on multiple cores 
it's still way worth it.
The perfect solution would be to shun away the standard model and actually 
support a kind of on-demand recompilation where the editor tells the compiler 
(running in background) what has changed and the compiler (having a function 
inlining map) recompiles only the necessary pieces and replaces them in the elf 
files. Though that's probably too far-fetched (there's also the question of how 
much of gimple/generic could be kept between recompilations).
Simplifying we skip the "working in background" and the last step, and just 
generate separate .s files, I've almost hacked this but I had a lot of trouble 
with missing or duplicate variables/labels etc.
Either way it would be fairly important to allow for that one instance to work 
on multiple threads but I'm guessing that's a fairly daunting task, even if the 
front-end could make guarantees that no objects would overlap (maybe even make 
duplicates so they don't).
Regardless of the scope of the task it would also have to include extracting 
the function inlining map and probably writing it into a file.

A more middle-back-end task is that I see a need for a certain fairly simple 
kind of self-modifying code.
Basically a lot of applications have lots of configuration of their behavior 
that doesn't get changed through most of run-time, yet there are lots of 
branches, variable references and pointer dereferences associated with it.
It should be possible to create something like a global variable that can be 
read like one (from the programmers perspective) but it gets inlined everywhere 
like a constant, and a function for changing it's value is generated that 
changes that value at every point in the output binary.
Now unfortunately that would still leave a lot of branches in the code so 
something a bit more complex would be nice, like leaving enough space for 
either the then or else block, but putting only one in and padding with nops or 
a jump.
This isn't really smc very much imo, something more like templating binary 
code... or template based jit compilation, or let's call it something like 
"constant path swapping";p
Either way the benefit is getting a lot of branches, de/references, etc. out of 
the hot-path, at the cost of significantly slowing down the cold path (assuming 
people use it for what it's meant for).
If a given backend does not support the feature it just outputs normal code. 
There is probably a few more aspects/possibilities to this I'm just loosely 
throwing it up for comment atm.
I probably haven't given enough thought to this since I don't have a good idea 
of the issues associated. Definitely lto would break this but if you ask me lto 
is a bit misguided as the previously mentioned idea coupled with the way sc and 
its editor is designed makes it obsolete (unless I'm misunderstanding 

I've got one and a half more ideas, and possibly more that skipped my mind but 
these should be enough for now.
Any feedback and/or questions are very welcome.

Best regards,
Tomasz "timon" Borowik

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