> GCC 4.7.0 Release Candidate available from gcc.gnu.org
> The first release candidate for GCC 4.7.0 is available from
>  ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/snapshots/4.7.0-RC-20120302
> and shortly its mirrors.  It has been generated from SVN revision 184777.
> I have so far bootstrapped and tested the release candidate on
> x86_64-linux.  Please test it and report any issues to bugzilla.
> If all goes well, I'd like to release 4.7.0 in about three weeks.

I'll drop it on Solaris. Give it a push. Do we realy really need that
ppl/cloog stuff? I have never seen it build and pass any tests, ever,
even once, on Solaris with or without Sun Studio compilers or GCC or
prayer and geek magic under a full moon.  Seriously.

So really, it that stuff a "need" or a "nice to have" ?


| Dennis Clarke           | Solaris and Linux and Open Source |
| dcla...@blastwave.org   | Respect for open standards.       |

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