On Feb 13, 2012, at 09:59, Vincent Lefevre wrote: > On 2012-02-09 15:49:37 +0000, Andrew Haley wrote: >> I'd start with INRIA's crlibm. > > I point I'd like to correct. GNU MPFR has mainly (> 95%) been > developed by researchers and engineers paid by INRIA. But this > is not the case of CRlibm. I don't know its copyright status > (apparently, mainly ENS Lyon, and the rights have not been > transferred to the FSF). > > Also, from what I've heard, CRlibm is more or less regarded as > dead, because there are new tools that do a better job, and new > functions could be generated in a few hours. I suppose a member > (not me since I don't work on these tools) or ex-member of our > team will contact some of you about this.
Ideally, we would need to include both the generated functions as well as identification of the tools used and source code or scripts used with those tools. -Geert