Sergei Dyshel <> writes:

> I need to profile a C++ program with 'gprof' but I'm only interested in 
> virtual functions. Is it possible to get indication of virtual function in 
> flat profile? As of now, virtual functions aren't marked in any special 
> way inside demangled names. 

Correct: the mangled name of a method does not indicate whether or not
that method is virtual.

> PS. A more general question, in case if it's not possible, which means 
> that information about a function being virtual or not isn't stored in the 
> mangled name, is there a profiling tool which can provide such an 
> indication? Particularly I'm interested in call counts. 

As far as I know the only way to tell is to pull apart the debugging
information.  I don't know of any tool that does this.


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