Hi Webmaster,

I created my own Construction Management education site called 
a personal project that I've finally gotten to a stage that is 
"presentable". I would like to submit my website for your review and inclusion 
the resource section of your site:

I created http://www.constructionmanagementdegree.com as a resource 
for new college students to find in-depth and unbiased information about 
picking the right Construction Management degree to fit their needs. I spent 
a good amount of time researching each school and providing information 
to find the best program to fit their needs. I'm hoping that after you 
take a look, you'll think its a valuable enough resource to include a link 
to my site in your list of resources.

I'd appreciate the opportunity to answer any questions, or take any 
other steps in order to get my site's link listed.

Thank you for taking a look!

Chuck Lorrell

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