On 19 Jan 2012, at 06:13, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

> On 19 Jan 2012, at 01:05, Nicola Pero wrote:
>>> This patch completes the removal of the public part of the 
>>> Traditional Objective-C runtime API from libobjc.
>>> From now on, the only supported API is the "Modern" API. :-)
>>> Nicola, this is causing trouble for Fedora.  The Fedora maintainer has
>>> been advised by GNUstep upstream to switch to LLVM.
>> In Cc: there is Richard, the maintainer of gnustep-base, and I would be
>> very surprised if he wasn't supporting GCC 4.7 and advising to switch to
>> LLVM for this reason.  As far as I know gnustep-base has the goal of
>> supporting all compilers and runtimes.
>> Most likely this is due to a small error in the configure script or in a
>> file includes in gnustep-base.
>>> Do you understand what is going on?  Will LLVM keep the Traditional
>>> Objective-C runtime API?  Or maybe GNUstep will update their software?
>>> This is very perplexing.
>> I'm fairly sure that GNUstep will update their software. ;-)
> Well yes, I certainly haven't advised a switch to LLVM (and haven't been 
> asked ... unless in some lost email) so I've no idea where the notion of that 
> switch came from.
> There's not enough context in this email for me to be sure exactly what the 
> question/problem is ... but the current (svn trunk as of last Friday, which 
> was when I last tested) GNUstep-base code works with gcc and the gnu runtime 
> upto and including a snapshot from gcc trunk last week.  The latest LLVM I've 
> tested was last October.
> The current gnustep-base release supports gcc-3.0 to gcc-4.6 ... at the point 
> immediately after that release was made, we dropped official support for 
> older compilers, and made official compiler support be  for gcc-4.0 onwards, 
> though afaik it still works with gcc-3 series compilers.
> There's no 'official' position on support for LLVM, but as long as it behaves 
> live a gcc-4+ compiler, it should be fine).
> In terms of releases, the current release predates gcc-4.7, but there is 
> another gnustep-base release due this month (though I wanted to get together 
> with Fred to get a gui release out at the same time).

PS. This seems to be primarily a query about GCC-4.7 support ... In case I was 
unclear ...

My understanding (I don't actually track the GCC lists, so I may be out of 
touch) is that the 4.7 release is likely to be around March ... which means we 
will have a formal release of GNUstep-base to support GCC-4.7 *before* the 
release of GCC-4.7

This is in line with the general aim of tracking development and ensuring 
there's a new GNUstep release (if necessary) shortly before each major compiler 

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