On 16 Jan 2012, at 18:52, Jonathan Wakely wrote:

>> Bison puts up snapshots at ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/bison/, an alternative to 
>> those that do not need the latest bleeding-edge version.
> So does GCC, the front page says "Our sources are readily and freely
> available via SVN and weekly snapshots" and links to
> http://gcc.gnu.org/snapshots.html

OK. I missed that. I happened to have the stuff needed installed, so I did not 
really look.

> I'll add a link from there and from the SVN page to the installation docs.

It strikes me that you might ask the config people for a way to enforce 
out-of-directory builds. The idea would be is that if one tries to config from 
within the directory, it would print out some instructions. This way the 
problem would go away.


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