
Trunk remains in Stage 1 and based on the 4.6 release schedule this
should end around the end of October unless a small delay is useful to
help merge any development branches.  Of the branches mentioned in the
last status report, it appears that only transactional-memory and
cxx-mem-model are aiming for at least partial merging for 4.7
(although not all branches had answers to the questions in that
report).  The recent proposal for adding the D front end is also
clearly a 4.8 matter, not 4.7, unless the patches outside the
D-specific directories are ready very soon.

Quality Data

Priority          #     Change from Last Report
--------        ---     -----------------------
P1               27     + 21
P2               98     +  3
P3               31     - 28
--------        ---     -----------------------
Total           156     -  4

Previous Report

The next status report for 4.7.0 will be sent by Richard.

Joseph S. Myers

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