On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Diego Novillo <dnovi...@google.com> wrote:
> However, you could try an approach similar to what Le-Chun implemented for
> -Wself-assign (which only exists in the google/main branch for now).  See
> EXPR_FOLDED in http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2011-04/msg01898.html.

Hm, I don't see how exactly this would solve my problem... The issue I
am facing is that references to necessary header files are optimized
away. Just knowing that an expression has been folded doesn't help
me... :-(

What I had in mind was to only keep additional copies of the original
subtrees if the node has been replaced completely by folding. I don't
see why memory consumption would go through the roof that way, this
would mean that a very high percentage of the code can be folded and
shrinked significantly which shouldn't be true in the general case. Of
course I see that it can be difficult to implement this, it might
require changes to every folding function.

Is there any function that I could create a hook for which still sees
an unfolded expression?


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