Hello Everyone,
   This letter describes the recently created GCC branch called "cilkplus" that 
ports the Intel(R) Cilk(TM) Plus language extensions to the C and C++ 
front-ends of gcc-4.7. We are looking for collaborators and advice as we 
proceed - both on this open-source gcc project, and on the open language 
specification. The compiler and its associated runtime are available at:  
http://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/cilkplus . The URL for the patch is 
available at: http://software.intel.com/file/38093 .

   Intel Cilk Plus is a set of C and C++ constructs for task-parallel and 
data-parallel programming for improving performance on multicore and vector 
processors. This language extension includes the following features:

1.  Three keywords provide a simple yet powerful model for parallel 
programming: _Cilk_spawn, _Cilk_sync and _Cilk_for. Reducers provide an easy, 
lock-free way to deal with shared data.

2.      Simple array notations including elemental functions allow programmers 
to easily use data-parallelism.

3.      Pragmas communicate SIMD information to the vectorizer to help ensure 
that loops are vectorized correctly.

   The implementation of Intel Cilk Plus language extensions to gcc requires 
the above patches to the C and C++ front-ends, plus a copy of the Intel Cilk 
Plus runtime library (Cilk Plus RTL).  Both of these have been checked into the 
new gcc branch.  The Cilk Plus RTL is being maintained by using an upstream, 
BSD-licensed version available at http://www.cilkplus.org .  Changes to the 
Cilk Plus RTL are welcome and must be contributed to the upstream version via 
this web site.  A contribution process is in place for receiving such changes; 
see http://www.cilkplus.org for details.

   In this release, the C and C++ compiler parsers now accept the three 
keywords _Cilk_spawn, _Cilk_sync, and _Cilk_for, as well as a pragma to adjust 
the grainsize of _Cilk_for. The list below provides a brief explanation of each 
of the keywords. For more details, see the "Intel(r) Cilk(tm) Plus Language 
Specification" at http://www.cilkplus.org .

1.      _Cilk_spawn - Annotates a function-call and indicates that execution 
may (but is not required to) continue without waiting for the function to 
return. The syntax is:
[ <type> <retval> = ] _Cilk_spawn <postfix_expression> (<expression-list> 
(optional)) ;

2.      _Cilk_sync - Indicates that all the statements in the current Cilk 
block must finish executing before any statements after the _Cilk_sync begin 
executing. The syntax is:
_Cilk_sync ;

3.      _Cilk_for - Is a variant of a for-statement where any or all iterations 
may (but are not required to) execute in parallel. You can optionally precede 
_Cilk_for with a grainsize-pragma to specify the number of serial iterations 
desired for each chunk of the parallel loop. If there is no grainsize pragma or 
if the grainsize evaluates to '0', then the runtime will pick a grainsize using 
its own internal heuristics. The syntax:
[ #pragma cilk grainsize = <expression> ] _Cilk_for (<assignment_expression> ; 
<condition> ; <expression>)

   The parser will accept these keywords and insert the appropriate functions 
to interact with the runtime library. Along with these keywords, you can use 
#pragma simd directives to communicate loop information to the vectorizer so it 
can generate better vectorized code. The five #pragma simd directives are: 
vectorlength, private, linear, reduction, and assert. The list below summarizes 
the five directives. For a detailed explanation please refer to the "Intel(r) 
Cilk(tm) Plus Language Specification" at http://www.cilkplus.org .

1)      #pragma simd vectorlength (n1, n2 ...): Specify a choice vector width 
that the back-end may use to vectorize the loop.

2)      #pragma simd private (var1, var2, ...): Specify a set of variables for 
which each loop iteration is independent of each other iterations.

3)      #pragma simd linear (var1:stride1, var2:stride2, ...): Specify a set of 
variables that increase monotonically in each iteration of the loop.

4)      #pragma simd reduction (operator: var1, var2...): Specify a set of 
variables whose value is computed by vector reduction using the specified 

5)      #pragma simd assert: Directs the compiler to halt if the vectorizer is 
unable to vectorize the loop.

   The current implementation of the runtime library has been tested on x86 
(both 32 and 64 bit) architectures. In theory, the runtime library should not 
be too difficult for you to port to other architectures. However, be aware that 
access to shared variables currently assumes sequential consistency, so 
architectures that use a different memory model may require you to insert 
additional memory barriers.

   These language extensions provide a simple, well-structured, and powerful 
model for parallel programming. Intel hopes that you will find these extensions 
to be a useful and significant enhancement to the GCC C and C++ compiler. In 
this initial release, the array notations and elemental functions present in 
the full Intel(r) Cilk(tm) Plus Language Specification are not yet implemented. 
Intel welcomes help and advice from all contributors in the GCC community.  
Please see http://www.cilkplus.org for more information on community 
involvement in this open-source project.
   If you have comments, suggestions or questions, please contact Balaji V. 
Iyer at balaji.v.iyer  -AT- intel.com. 

Yours sincerely,

Balaji V. Iyer,
Intel Corporation
Intel and Cilk are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other 
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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