Mike Du wrote:
I am helping my 9th grader child to learn using Gfortran for computation 
[...] But could not find any compiler to download. We are using Vista and 

There does not exist an official binary of the GCC. Having said that, the MinGW project and the Cygwin project both offer GCC binaries. If you don't know Cygwin (which provides a Unix-like environment under Windows), you probably should install MinGW.

Besides the official Cygwin and MinGW builds, some individuals also build more recent versions of GCC.

All those builds are linked from

An overview about the new gfortran features in the different GCC releases can be found at http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortran#news

(An IDE, which supports (g)fortran is Photran/Eclipse, cf. http://www.eclipse.org/photran/)


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